The most important journal in our field, Celestinesca, has undergone some changes since the beginning of 2020. The first and –in my opinion– most important one is having been given the eISSN 2695-7183, which has made possible its reindexing in Latindex, where it figured as “Discontinued”. Moreover, the the kind of license under which articles are published (CC BY 4.0) is more explicit now, since a license button has been added to volumes.
A few days ago the Anejos de la revista Celestinesca were launched as well, with the critical editions of the Comedia and the Tragicomedia by José Luis Canet. I do not know if this means that Celestinesca is preparing itself to publish its own series of celestinesque scholarship or just an effective way to provide Celestina scholars with these editions, but in any case it is always good news that Celestinesca is in good shape and continuosly progressing.
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
portrezetres (April 23, 2020). Anejos de la revista Celestinesca. Por treze, tres. Retrieved February 13, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/szqu