On the 6th and 7th of March 2025, Carolina Calema will be staging her one person (and puppets) adaptation of Celestina in Madrid, at the Teatro Tribueñe (Calle de Sancho Dávila 31).
These are the only two perfomances programmed in Madrid so far and, as far as I know, the first ones since the Reciclásicos Festival in 2021.
Tickets can be bought on-line at the website of the Teatro Tribueñe (21€).
The official website of the Festival Celestina. La España de Rojas has been updated for its 26th edition. The programme is still uncomplete (UPDATE 09/08/2024: it is complete), but tickets can already be bought on-line. There will be different activities around the topic and the period of Celestina, including two talks of celestinesque interest (of which we have already written in this blog) and the staging of Celestina itself the night of Saturday, the 24th of August.
Among the scheduled activities are the screening of the RTVE production Los Libros: La Celestina, a 1974 adaptation of the Spanish classic (which we have already shared in this blog), the representation of an Inquisitorial trial, and several theatrical and dance and music performances.
It is highly recommended to buy tickets in advance, to ensure access to the activity. For the talks of cultural nature, entrance is free until capacity is reached, although it is recommended to register for “La hechicería en tiempos de Celestina” (here).
Should you be already in La Puebla de Montalbán for this talk, you might also be interested in the I Jornadas de Investigación, Divulgación y Transferencia: «La hechicería en tiempos de La Celestina», which will be taking place the next day, 23rd of August 2024. Iñaki Bazán Díaz (Universidad del País Vasco) and Roberto González Zalacain (Universidad de La Laguna) will be lecturing on witchcraft at the end of the Middle Ages.
In less than ten days, the exhibition Al hilo de Celestina. Tipo, mito, mujer will open at the Museo La Celestina (La Puebla de Montalbán, SPAIN). The inauguration event will take place on the 29th of June 2024 at 20:00 at the museum, with the participation of the local authorities and the curators Amaranta Saguar García (Universidad Complutense), María Bastianes (Universidad Complutense) and Rachel Schmidt (University of Calgary). It will run until the 29th of September, with some extra activities that I will be announcing via this blog.
This exhibition reviews the iconographic and visual history of Celestina, from its roots in Antiquity to the present day. Using illustrative, pictorial, mise-en-scène, and audiovisual materials, it shows how Celestina freed herself from the clichéd representation of elderly female characters and became a chameleon capable of reflecting, adapting to, and connecting with the concerns of each moment and audience. And this despite the added obstacles of being an older, marginal and probably queer woman.
In three months, the IX Congreso Internacional de la SEMYR will be taking place at the Universidad Complutense (Madrid, Spain). The conference is devoted to the relationship between medieval and early modern (mainly romance) literature and other arts (understood in a quite wide sense, not limited to fine arts).
Recently, the programme has been made public and there are two papers of interest for Celestina scholars.
Mercedes Fernández Valladares (UCM), “De la tipobibliografía a la bibliografía textual y la ecdótica iconográfica: entre Celestinas, Amadises y Lazarillos” (Wednesday, 04/09/2024, 19:30-20:30)
Irati Calvo Martínez (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea), “Las artes de seducción y engaño de las prostitutas y alcahuetas celestinescas” (Friday, 06/09/2024, 10:30-11:00)