Lately, it has almost become customary to start September with a conference on Hispanic medieval literature, be it the international congress of the SEMYR (even years) or the congress of the AHLM (uneven years). As a result, it has also become quite usual to start september with at least one paper on Celestina.
This time there is a full session devoted to Celestina at the XVIII International Congress of the AHLM (2-6 of September 2019, Universitat de Barcelona), planned for Wednesday, 4th of September, at 11:30, room 308 of the Facultat e Geografia i Història:
- Joseph T. Snow (Michigan State University, Prof. Em.) on “La incorporación de Centurio en la Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea“
- Amaranta Saguar García (Universidad Complutense) on “La violación de Melibea: ¿fantasía medieval o altomoderna?”
- María del Pilar Couceiro (Universidad Complutense) on “Los tres descensus de La Celestina“
UPDATE: I forgot to include a paper by Ana Milagros Jiménez Ruiz (Universidad de Zaragoza), “La Celestina en Barcelona (1525-1585)”, which took place at the 09:00 session and was very interesting.