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Celestinesca 42 is out!

celestinesca42_minThe 2018 issue of Celestinesca is out!

With a special dossier on the configuration and dissemination of the Segunda Celestina by Feliciano de Silva, coordinated by Juan Pablo Mauricio García Álvarez (Universidad de Guadalajara). And articles on some of the most recurring celestinesque research topics: authorship, eroticism,  and editorial history of Celestina, among others.

Celestinesca 41 is out!

celestinesca41_minThe 2017 issue of Celestinesca is out!

With an interview with Nuria Espert and Pilar de Yzaguirre, a review of the stage adaptation of Celestina by the theatre company Atalaya (already reviewed in this blog), the usual bibliographic supplement, an extra bibliographic supplement with more than 200 new entries and, of course, seven articles of celestinesque interest by Antonio Azaustre Lago («Estilo y argumentación en los discursos de La Celestina»), Debarati Byabartta («Tres anti-heroínas picaresca-celestinescas: los cuerpos femeninos radicalmente subyugados en La hija de Celestina»), Víctor Calderón de la Barca Fernández («Mar y Mundo en el imaginario desiderativo de Melibea»), Grissel Gómez Estrada («’Postema y landre te mate’: maldiciones, bendiciones y otras frases, y su función como presagio en La Celestina»), Amauri Gutiérrez Coto («La Celestina de Fernando de Rojas en México durante los siglos XVI y XVII»), Amaranta Saguar García («Las ilustraciones de las traducciones alemanas de Celestina: Hans Weiditz y la Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea») and Joseph T. Snow («La metamorfosis de Melibea en la Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea»).

Publication: Journal article by Rachel Scott on Celestina and the misery and dignity of Man

SCOTT, Rachel (2014), “‘Nuevas sentencias sentía’: Celestina and the Misery and Dignity of Man”, Studia Aurea 8, pp. 315-346.

Available on-line at the journal’s site.

ABSTRACT: This article seeks to understand the significance of Celestina (1499) as it moves through time. It contends that new meanings emerge when the context in which the work is printed and read changes. As the prologue to the Tragicomedia intimates, each new act of engagement brings to the fore meanings that may not have been intended or even conceivable at the point of its composition. Taking a synchronic and comparative approach, the article looks at the ‘horizon of expectations’ of Celestina’s reception in sixteenthcentury Spain and Italy, when at the height of its popularity. Focusing on the issues of self-knowledge and solitude, it contextualises their portrayal within ideological debates about the misery and dignity of man that circulated in the Renaissance and within an environment that was considering the possibility of disbelief. It juxtaposes Celestina against other contemporary texts involved in this supranational debate, such as Fernán Pérez de Oliva’s Diálogo de la dignidad del hombre (1546). It argues that, in this new horizon, Celestina’s portrayal of self-knowledge and solitude and its engagement with debates about the misery and dignity of man goes beyond its medieval origins.