Next Friday, 20th of October of 2023, Kenneth Brown (University of Calgary) will be giving a lecture entitled “El mundo judío y criptojudío de Fernando de Rojas y de su obra La Celestina” at the Museo La Celestina in La Puebla de Montalbán (Spain).
This event is organised by the local journal Crónicas and the cultural association Las Cumbres de Montalbán, who are responsible for organising the academic roundtables and papers within the context the annual Festival Celestina, as well.
La Puebla de Montalbán seems to be progressively increasing the amount of events of celestinesque interest that take place in the Museo La Celestina, so that I would keep an eye on its future activities. It looks like as if the local institutions were actively trying to turn La Puebla de Montalbán into a relevant spot for celestinesque scholars and other people interested in Celestina. Let’s hope I am not wrong!
An event of celestinesque interest is taking place in Lorient (France), at the Université Bretagne Sud, on the 14th of April 2023.
Organised by François Xavier Guerry (Université Bretagne Sud), it will deal with two of the most discussed topics within the celestinesque scholarship of the last decade: the iconography of Celestina and contemporary interpretations of Celestina.
With regard to the first subject, Guillermo Juberías Gracia (Université Bretagne Sud) will be presenting on «Alcahuetería en la plástica contemporánea, de Goya a Braun-Vega : usos y variaciones de un asunto español», followed by the paper «Celestina selon Picasso : naissance d’une icône moderne» by Timo Kehren (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) and Virginie Dumanoir (Université Rennes 2), who will be talking about «La Célestine en couverture : éditions contemporaines».
The second topic will be addressed by Jéromine François (Université de Namur, NaLTT), who will read her paper «Celestina en serie: propuesta de tipología para la narrativa actual»; Christine Orobitg (Université Aix-Marseille), with her paper «Melibea à la lumière des féminismes contemporains : une réflexion autour des notions d’objet et de sujet, de la volonté et du consentement»; Thomas Faye (Sorbonne Université), who will talk about «La Célestine et la bande dessinée : entre décentrement et annexion, une héroïne difficile à mettre en case ? », and Enrique Fernández (University of Manitoba), with a paper on «La presencia escénica y la caracterización de famosas actrices que interpretaron el personaje de Celestina».
The full programme can be downloaded by clicking on the poster above or from the official website of the Université Bretagne Sud. There is no information on who can attend the event or if the event will be streamed on-line, but if you are in France it might be worth asking the organiser.
For the next two days, the VI Congreso del Arcipreste de Hita: Congreso-Homenaje a doña Folke Gernert will be taking place on-line. Due to the research preferences of the honoured scholar, the conference will include papers related to the Libro de buen amor, La Lozana andaluza and, what is of greatest interest for his blog, Celestina. Here is a selection of the papers on celestinesque topics:
“La evolución de la representación de Celestina en las ediciones del XVI” by Ana Milagros Jiménez Ruiz (Universidad de Zaragoza), 28th of May 2021, 11:30 (GMT+1).
“Cervantes ante Celestina” by Jorge García López (Universitat de Girona), 28th of May 2021, 12:10 (GMT+1).
“Melibea, mujer lectora: hacia el establecimiento de un censo de lecturas peninsulares en el siglo XV” by Arturo JIménez Moreno (SEMYR), 28th of May 2021, 12:20 (GMT+1).
“Melibea y Lozana: la contracultura de la muerte” by Antonio Rubiales Roldán, 28th of May 2021, 13:30 (GMT+1).
“Mujer y magia en la Celestina: una mirada a partir de los Heterodoxos de Menéndez Pelayo” by María Cristina Pascerini (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), 28th of May 2021, 13:40 (GMT+1).
“El paradigma celestinesco en la escritura esperpéntica de Valle Inclán” by Marcella Trambaioli (Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro”), 28th of May 2021, 17:00 (GMT+1).
“Paisajes de sonido en Celestina” by Dorothy Sherman Severin (University of Liverpool), 28th of May 2021, 17:10 (GMT+1).
“Celestina y la ‘publicación’ antes de la imprenta” by Georgina Olivetto (Universidad de Buenos Aires), 28th of May 2021, 17:50 (GMT+1).
“Melusina, Celestina, Magelona. O cómo los impresores augburgueses convirtieron Celestina en prosa de ficción” by Amaranta Saguar (Universidad Complutense), 28th of May 2021, 18:50 (GMT+1).
“Compasión: ¿una virtud cuestionada en Celestina y Cárcel de amor?” by Ana Montero (Saint Louis University), 29th of May 2021, 11:00 (GMT+1).
“Evolución y protagonismo del motivo del huerto de la Tragicomedia a Tercera Celestina” by Miguel García Bermejo Giner (Universidad de Salamanca), 29th of May 2021, 12:20 (GMT+1).
A full PDF-version of the programme can be seen here. The Zoom links have been shared via Twitter:
I have been very busy these days and have not had the chance to devote a few minutes to the blog, so that I had not linked the recording of María Bastianes’ talk at the conference cycle “La Celestina: Representaciones de un clásico” at the Universidad de Cantabria yet. Here it is for you all to enjoy.
Between Friday, 7th of May, and Tuesday, 1st of June, the conference cycle “La Celestina: representaciones de un clásico” will be taking place at the Universidad de Cantabria as part of the Aula de Letras of its Aulas de Exensión Universitaria.
It is a conference cycle open to everyone, specialists and non-specialists, with a clear focus on the pictorial and the stage adaptations of Celestina. Organised by Laura Mier Pérez (Universidad de Cantabria), sessions will take place via Zoom or on-site, at the campus of the Universidad de Cantabria (Av. de los Castros, s/n; 39005 Santander), depending on the evolution of the COVID-19 measures.
You can see the full programme here, which is formed by the following papers:
7th May 2021, 19:30: “Celestina, un clásico en escena por el mundo” by Joseph Snow (Prof. Em. University of Michingan, author of several studies on Celestina and founder of Celestinesca)
11th May 2021, 19:30: “Referentes pictóricos del teatro: Celestina y compañía” by Natalia Fernández (former Universidad Complutense de Madrid, now Universidad de Sevilla)
18th May 2021:, 19:30 “Celestina: un clásico en escena desde España” by María Bastianes (University of Leeds and author of Vida escénica de “La Celestina” en España: 1909-2019)
25th May 2021, 19:30: “‘Por la mayor parte, por la filosomía es conocida la virtud interior’. La evolución de las representaciones del personaje de Celestina en las ediciones ilustradas de la Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea (ss. XVI-XXI)” by Amaranta Saguar (Universidad Complutense de Madrid and PI of the project “IcoCel: La tradición iconográfica de Celestina: materialidad y recepción de las ediciones ilustradas en la Edad Moderna”)
1st June 2021, 19:30: “La Celestina como provocación” by Emilio de Miguel (Universidad de Salamanca and author of several studies on Celestina)