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Two papers of celestinesque interest at the IX Congreso Internacional de la SEMYR (4-6 September 2024, Universidad Complutense)

In three months, the IX Congreso Internacional de la SEMYR will be taking place at the Universidad Complutense (Madrid, Spain). The conference is devoted to the relationship between medieval and early modern (mainly romance) literature and other arts (understood in a quite wide sense, not limited to fine arts).

Recently, the programme has been made public and there are two papers of interest for Celestina scholars.

  • Mercedes Fernández Valladares (UCM), “De la tipobibliografía a la bibliografía textual y la ecdótica iconográfica: entre Celestinas, Amadises y Lazarillos” (Wednesday, 04/09/2024, 19:30-20:30)
  • Irati Calvo Martínez (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea), “Las artes de seducción y engaño de las prostitutas y alcahuetas celestinescas” (Friday, 06/09/2024, 10:30-11:00)

Open access publication of celestinesque interest

As usual, the Centro Virtual Cervantes has made the conference proceedings of the VI Congreso Internacional Juan Ruiz, Arcipreste de Hita, y el Libro de buen amor «Mujer, saber y heterodoxia: Libro de buen amor, La Celestina y La Lozana andaluza» available online. There are several contributions of celestinesque interest:

«Contarte he maravillas…», International Congress in homage to Joseph T. Snow, Madrid, 25th-29th of October 2021 (BNE-UCM)

From the 25th to the 29th of October 2021 the International Congress in homage to Joseph T. Snow «Contarte he maravillas…» will be taking place at the Biblioteca Nacional de España (25th, 26th and 29th of October 2021) and the Universidad Complutense (27th and 28th of October 2021). Almost hundred specialists on the topics most studied by Joseph T. Snow, that is, Alfonso X, the Libro de buen amor, and, of course, Celestina, will reunite to celebrate Snow’s 80th birthday.

Organised by Ricardo Pichel and Ruth Martínez Alcorlo (Universidad de Alcalá), with the logistical support of Álvaro Bustos Táuler and Amaranta Saguar García (Universidad Complutense), and the technical support of Belén Almeida Cabrejas and Víctor Caballero Gómez (Universidad de Alcalá), this congress promises to be one of the most important events of international hispanomedievalism of the post-pandemic era. Of its almost hundred participants, one half will take part in person and the other half remotely, a mixed format that will make possible the participation of friends of Joseph T. Snow that, due to health problems, a full agenda or, simply, distance, are not able to travel to Madrid. In addition, the sessions will be streamed via Youtube, more precisely, through the Youtube channels of the Biblioteca Nacional de España and the Universidad Complutense, respectively. And, the most important bit: thanks to the funds contributed by the projects “HERES. Patrimonio textual ibérico y novohispano. Recuperación y memoria” (Atracción de Talento de la Comunidad de Madrid, Ref. 2018-T1/HUM-10230) and “IcoCel. La tradición iconográfica de Celestina: materialidad y recepción de las ediciones ilustradas en la Edad Moderna” (Atracción de Talento de la Comunidad de Madrid, Ref. 2018-T1/HUM-11717), and by several other sponsors, this event is totally free of charge. It is only necessary to register via a form.

Due to the huge amount of papers on Celestina, I will not be detailing them below, but linking the programme (if the PDF Viewer does not work, you can check it at the official website of the congress).

See you there!

CFP: I International Congress of the CELPYC (3rd-5th of June 2020, The City College University of New York)

In March 2019 I announced the establishment of a new professional association of celestinesque interest, the Círculo de Estudios de la Literatura Picaresca y Celestinesca (CELPYC).

Now it is organising its first international congress for June 2020, at the City College University of New York, and has published a call for papers open to everyone interested in Celestina and the picaresque. Proposals for individual papers, panels and roundtables can be sent via the on-line form until the 1st of March 2020.

CFP: Seis personajes [clásicos] en busca de aCtor

dw8os-ewkaagviyThe Universidad Carlos III and the Centro de Documentación Teatral will be organising the I Jornadas de Investigación Teatral “Seis personajes [clásicos] en busca de aCtor” (28th-29th March, Centro de Documentación Teatral, Madrid).

This event is open to specialists in Golden Age drama and performing arts specialists that would like to read a 20-minute paper on any of the following characters: Celestina, don Quijote, don Juan, Segismundo, Laurencia y Pedro Crespo. Celestina being one of them, we thaought this call for papers might be of interest for our fellow celestinistas.

More information at the official call for papers.