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For sale: Italian translation of Celestina (Venice, Pietro de Nicolini da Sabio, 1535)

Just a quick note for any followers of this blog who have 15.000 €: the antiquarian bookshop Margarita de Dios is selling a complete copy of the edition Venice: Pietro de Nicolini da Sabio, 1535, bound in parchment. More information and photos at the official website. By the way, they also offer one copy of the Venice, 1553 edition in Spanish for 18.000 €(see here).

Although this is one of the editions with the most surviving copies, it is surprising that this is the second copy that enters the market this year, as another copy of this edition was auctioned by El Remate in February (more information here). And the same applies to the 1553 one. Are they the same? I think so, because of certain stains that can be seen in the photos which look similar. In that case, considering that both copies started in 5.000 €, I am curious about the final prices. They must have been really high for Margarita de Dios to triple that amount, don’t they? In any case, I am not who is going to buy them.

Latest news! New edition of Celestina: [Sevilla], Jacobo & Juan Cromberger, November 1525

Today, our colleagues from Iberian Books have made public the discovery of a new [Sevilla], Jacobo & Juan Cromberger, November 1525 edition of Celestina at the Biblioteca Comunale Valentiniana in Camerino (Italy), under the call number Sec B. 926 (234).

Despite both colophons being identical, this is not a further copy of the [Sevilla], Jacobo & Juan Cromberger, November 1525 edition represented by a single copy kept at the British Library under the signature G.10223.


The most relevant difference is the omission of any reference to the Auto de Centurio, like in the Sevilla, Jacobo & Juan Cromberger, March 1528, edition.


With this new find, the number of copies of unknown editions found in the last decade adds up to six. This is a further proof that there are still a lot of untraced copies of Celestina out there, waiting for us to find them.

Catalogue entries of copies of the 16th-century German translation of Celestina not in the USTC or VD16

As I did with COMEDIC and Philobiblion for the 16th-century editions of Celestina in Spanish with surviving copies (see the result here), I have compared my list of known copies of both editions of Christof Wirsung’s translation of Celestina into German with the lists provided by the USTC and VD16 and noticed that I have a few more. Here is the list (16 “new” copies):

  • Ain hipsche Tragedia von zwaien liebhabenden Mentschen, ainem Ritter Calixstus und einer edlen Junckfrawen Melibea genant, deren Anfang muesam was, das Mittel sieβ, mit dem aller bittersten jr bayder Sterben beschlossen, Augsburg, Dr Sigismund Grymm and Marx Wirsung, 20th of December 1520 (AHT): 11 “new” copies

    1. Berlin, Freie Universität, IN 8274
    2. Berlín, Kupferstichkabinett, Sign. 2582;
    3. Cologny, Martin Bodmer Foundation, Span. Lit T-IV
    4. Freiburg, Universitätsbibliothek, E 1053,b
    5. Greifswald, Universitätsbibliothek, 541/Inc. 25 4°
    6. Hamburg, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Inc App A/27 (digitised)
    7. Madrid, Biblioteca Histórica Marqués de Valdecilla, BH FLL Res.825 (digitised in Dioscórides and Google Books)
    8. Marburg, Universitätsbibliothek, 095 XVI C 708 mb
    9. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 31.73.2
    10. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, RES-YG-63 (BIS)
    11. Stockholm, Kungliga biblioteket, 137 P c Celestina
  • Ainn recht liepliches Buechlin vnnd gleich ain traurige Comoedia (so von den Latinischen Tragicocomoedia genant wirt) darauβ der Leser vast nutzlichen Bericht von Schaden vnd Gefar fleischlicher Lieb Untrew der Diener Aufsetz der gemaynen Weyber List vnd Geytzigkait der Kupler vnd gleych als inn eynem Spiegel mancherlay Sitten vnnd Aygenschafft der Menschen sehen vnd lernen mag, Augsburg, Haynrich Steyner, 26th of October 1534 (RLB): 5 “new” copies

    1. Augsburgo, Staats- und Stadtbibliothek, Rar 74 alias 4 LA 232
    2. Basel, Kupferstichkabinett und Bibliothek des Kunstmuseums, KK Inv. 1970.276
    3. Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, 4″ Xk 2786 (lost during war)
    4. Erlangen, Universitätsbibliothek, H00/R.L 166 da
    5. Hamburg, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, A/121924

Catalogue entries of copies of the Italian translation of Celestina not in my revision of Scoles’ catalogue

As part of the preliminar work for my current research I am revisiting my catalogue of the known editions of the Italian translation of Celestina (recently made available at CORE, because it does not seem as if I will be working on that for a while). Even if I thought that it was quite complete, I have found new copies in the on-line catalogues of different American and European libraries. Here is the list (26 “new”copies):

  • Tragicocomedia di Calisto e Melibea, Roma, Eucario Silber, 29th of January 1506 (R06): 4 “new” copies

    1. Madrid, Biblioteca de D. Francisco Zabálburu (last leaves wanting)
    2. Trent, Biblioteca Diocesana Vigilianum, dvgg2Y 106 (no title page)
    3. Saint Petersburg, Rossijskaja Nacional’naja Biblioteka,
    4. Santander, Biblioteca de Menéndez Pelayo, 30.023 (first leaves wanting)
  • Tragicocomedia di Calisto e Melibea, Vicenzo Minuziano, January 1515 (M15): 4 “new” copies

    1. Huesca, Biblioteca Pública del Estado (according to CCPB)
    2. Milan, Biblioteca Sormani, VET.F VET.493
    3. Orvierto, Biblioteca Pubblica Luigi Fumi (according to EDIT16)
    4. Parma, Biblioteca Palatina (according to EDIT16)
  • Tragicocomedia di Calisto e Melibea, Milan, Ioanne Angelo Scinzenzeler, 16th March 1519 (M19): 1 “new” copy

    1. Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España, R/11194
  • Tragicocomedia di Calisto e Melibea, Venecia, Cesare Arrivabene, 10th of December 1519 (V19): 3 “new” copies

    1. Ferrara, Biblioteca Comunale Ariostea, L 11.4.3
    2. Venice, Biblioteca del Museo Correr, INC. I 116
    3. Como, Biblioteca Comunale (according to EDIT16)
  • Tragicocomedia di Calisto e Melibea, Venecia, Gregorio de Gregori, November 1525 (V25a): 3 “new” copies

    1. Parma, Biblioteca Palatina (according to EDIT16)
    2. Prague, Národni Knihovna České Republiky, 9 K 547 (not in the on-line catalogue but in Google Books)
    3. Stockholm, Kungliga Biblioteket, 137 P c Celestina (not sure if V25a, V25b or V25c)
  • Tragicocomedia di Calisto e Melibea, Venecia, Francesco Caron, November 1525 (V25b): 1 “new” copy

    1. Verona, Seminario Vescovile (according to EDIT16)
  • Tragicocomedia di Calisto e Melibea, [Venecia], Marchiò Sessa, 10th of February 1531 (V31a): 3 “new” copies

    1. Los Angeles, Getty Research Institute, PQ6427 .I8 1531 (ejemplar digitalizado en y Hathi Trust)
    2. Naples, Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III, F.DORIA 3. 27
    3. Semur-en-Auxois, Bibliothèque Municipale, I XI 2263
  • Tragicocomedia di Calisto e Melibea, Venecia, Francesco di Alessandro Bindoni e Maffeo Pasini, June 1531 (V31b): 1 “new” copy

    1. Saint Petersburg, Rossijskaja Nacional’naja Biblioteka,
  • Tragicocomedia de Calisto y Melibea, [Venecia], Pietro de Nicolini da Sabio, julio de 1535 (V35): 3 “new” copies

    1. Paris, Bibliothèque Mazarine, 8° 44885 (lost since 1958)
    2. Saint Petersburg, Rossijskaja Nacional’naja Biblioteka,
    3. Verona, Biblioteca del Seminario Vescovile (according to EDIT16)
  • Tragicocomedia de Calisto y Melibea, [Venecia], Giovanni Antonio e Pietro de Nicolini da Sabio, marzo de 1541 (V41): 3 “new” copies

    1. Paris, Bibliothèque Mazarine, 8° 44535-1 [Res]
    2. Paris, Univeristé de la Sorbonne, RXVIB 6= 30
    3. Parma, Biblioteca Palatina (according to EDIT16)

Catalogue entries of copies of Celestina not in Philobiblon and/or COMEDIC (until 1600)

In order to optimise time and money, I decided to make a list of all the known copies of Celestina kept at public libraries in Europa and America, so that I can check the biggest amount of editions with the smallest number of trips. As a result, I have found some copies of Celestina that are neither included in Philobiblon, nor in COMEDIC, or, at least, the on-line catalogue entries for them. In case you should be planning a trip to check Celestina editions as well, I am sharing this information with you.

  • Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, Antwerp, Guillaume Montano, 1539: 1 “new” copy

    1. Cambridge (UK), University of Cambridge (Queen’s College Old Library), E.16.2: I am not really sure if this copy exists or not, as the catalogue entry states that there are no available copies. In any case, it seems very likely to me that this means just missing information on the digital catalogue, not that it does not exist or is lost.
  • Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, Venice, Gabriel Giolito de Ferrariis and his brothers, 1553: 3 “new” copies
    1. Burnaby, Simon Fraser University, PQ 6427.5 C35
    2. Cuenca, Seminario Mayor o Conciliar de San Julián, CU-BSC, 209-D-04: It is catalogued as Introductione del signor Alphonso di Uglioa, but it is very unlikely that it is limited to that piece, as the description implies a copy of 160 leaves (the  IntroductioneEspositione in lingua thoscana is but 24 leaves long –last blank–, that is, signatures *, **, ***). This is but an incomplete copy: signatures **, *** and A seem to be wanting, and the Introductione seems to have been at the beginning and not at the end.
    3. Los Angeles, University of California Los Angeles, Z233.G4 R64ce 1553
  • Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, Venice, Gabriel Giolito de Ferrariis and his brothers, 1556: 1 “new” copy
    1. Schwäbisch Hall, Ratsbibliothek beim Stadtarchiv Schwäbisch Hall, Oct.294
  • Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, Antwerp, widow of Martín Nucio, 1558: 1 “new” copy

    1. Hannover, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek, Lr 4591: more interesting than this new copy is the fact that Philobiblon does not include this edition in its database, despite there being several surviving copies and it appearing in the USTC
  • Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, Amberes, Philippo Nucio, 1568: 5 “new” copies

    1. Hannover, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek, Lr 4592
    2. Mannheim, Universität Mannheim, Mf s 052
    3. Milan, Biblioteca Sormani, VET.C VET.58
    4. Munich, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 0001/8 P.hisp. 55: the curious bit about this is, again, that this edition is not included in Philobiblon, despite a lot of copies and surviving and this one being digitised in BSB
    5. Solothurn, Solothurn Zentralbibliothek, ZBS QC 184
  • Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, [Leiden], Oficina Plantiniana, 1595: 1 “new” copy

    1. Göttingen, Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, 8 FAB II, 270 RARA
  • Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, [Leiden], Oficina Plantiniana, 1599: 11 “new” copies

    1. Erfurt, Universitätsbibliothek Erfurt, 03 – Lp. 8° 00551
    2. Göttingen, Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, 8 FAB II, 272 RARA
    3. Halle, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, Dk 1224 y an Dl 2593 (3) (1): I am not quite sure about the second copy, as it is photocopiable and might be a moder reproduction or facsimile. However, until I confirm or refute this, it counts.
    4. Moscow, Российская государственная библиотека (Russian State Library), 50-6459047: I could not find a permalink to this record, but it is easy to find in the on-line catalogue
    5. Oldenburg, Landesbibliothek, SPR XVII A 57,1
    6. Salzburg, Universität Salzburg, I 73403
    7. Schwerin, Landesbibliothek Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Ol V 890
    8. Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek, HB 420
    9. Trent, Biblioteca Diocesana Vigilianum, dvd-S.M.C. 89
    10. Winchester, Winchester College, M12 Bk1936: No permalink for this one, as well, but it is in COPAC
    11. Wroclaw, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, 451607 y 451608

Having a look at the list, I would not be surprised if we keep finding new copies at German libraries, as they seem not to have been researched in depth until now. Not for nothing, a totally unknown edition of Celestina (Seville, [Jacobo Cromberger], 1502 [but 1516, before April]) was recently found at Gotha, Universitäts- und Forschungsbibliothek Erfurt/Gotha (signature 03 – Lp. 8° 00550). Moreover, I think I might have located a further edition neither present in Philobiblon nor in COMEDIC at an Italian library, but I have still not been able to confirm this.