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My resources collection: Digital editions. Christof Wirsung’s 1520 and 1534 translations into German.

Now that I am in Augsburg, working on the sixteenth-century translations of Celestina into German, I thought you might like to have a look at them. Despite being the work of a same author, the 1520 translation and the 1534 translation are not even similar, neither from the point of view of translation theory, nor of the language. Not to mention the ideological differences between them. However, both translations are better known by the impressive xylographies Hans Weiditz engraved specifically for them, which you can see in an older post in this same blog.

Ain hipsche Tragedia con zwaien liebhadenden Mentschen… (1520 translation)

Ainn recht liepliche buechlin… (1534 translation)

My resources collection: Digital editions. Alphonso Hordognez’s translation into Italian.

Alphonso Hordognez finished translating Celestina into Italian some time in 1505. His translation was first printed in 1506 in Rome (there will be time another day to discuss if there was a 1505 edition) and, since then, it knew several editions in the first half of the sixteenth century, the last known of which appeared in 1543. Copies belonging to many of these editions have been digitised and are freely available on-line: