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Paper of celestinesque interest at the II Jornadas Internacionales de Investigación (10th-12th of September 2024, Universidad de León)

On the second day of the II Jornadas Internacionales de Investigación “Pícaros, Picaresca y Picarismo en el mundo hispánico, de sus orígenes a la actualidad”, Wednesday 11th of September 2024, at 18:30, Enrique Fernández (University of Manitoba) will be giving the paper “Madamas y Celestinas desde la novela burdelaria hasta el cine español anterior a la Transición”. This might be of interest for everyone inquiring on contemporary Celestinas and the celestinesque in media.

Recording: “Las mil caras de Celestina. De las ilustraciones a las pinturas” – Enrique Fernández (University of Manitoba)

The recording of the talk “Las mil caras de Celestina. De las ilustraciones a las pinturas”, which Enrique Fernández (University of Manitoba) gave last Thursday the 22nd of August 2024 within the XXVI Festival Celestina, is already available via Radio Puebla’s iVook profile. Unfortunately, there are no pictures of the paintings, photographs and illustrations that are ceommented, but all of them can be found at

Two papers of celestinesque interest at the IX Congreso Internacional de la SEMYR (4-6 September 2024, Universidad Complutense)

In three months, the IX Congreso Internacional de la SEMYR will be taking place at the Universidad Complutense (Madrid, Spain). The conference is devoted to the relationship between medieval and early modern (mainly romance) literature and other arts (understood in a quite wide sense, not limited to fine arts).

Recently, the programme has been made public and there are two papers of interest for Celestina scholars.

  • Mercedes Fernández Valladares (UCM), “De la tipobibliografía a la bibliografía textual y la ecdótica iconográfica: entre Celestinas, Amadises y Lazarillos” (Wednesday, 04/09/2024, 19:30-20:30)
  • Irati Calvo Martínez (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea), “Las artes de seducción y engaño de las prostitutas y alcahuetas celestinescas” (Friday, 06/09/2024, 10:30-11:00)

Audio recording of Kenneth Brown’s talk at La Puebla de Montalbán (20/10/2023) and something extra

Radio Puebla has been extremely quick at uploading the audio recording of Kenneth Brown’s talk of last Friday at the Museo La Celestina (La Puebla de Montalbán). You can listen to it at their official website or below.

While checking if the audio recording was already available, I have noticed that the roundtable on marginality and Celestina of the last Festival Celestina (11/08/2023) is also available at their official website, but you can also listen to it below.

Talk: Kenneth Brown on Fernando de Rojas at Museo La Celestina (La Puebla de Montalbán, 20/10/2023)

Next Friday, 20th of October of 2023, Kenneth Brown (University of Calgary) will be giving a lecture entitled “El mundo judío y criptojudío de Fernando de Rojas y de su obra La Celestina” at the Museo La Celestina in La Puebla de Montalbán (Spain).

This event is organised by the local journal Crónicas and the cultural association Las Cumbres de Montalbán, who are responsible for organising the academic roundtables and papers within the context the annual Festival Celestina, as well.

La Puebla de Montalbán seems to be progressively increasing the amount of events of celestinesque interest that take place in the Museo La Celestina, so that I would keep an eye on its future activities. It looks like as if the local institutions were actively trying to turn La Puebla de Montalbán into a relevant spot for celestinesque scholars and other people interested in Celestina. Let’s hope I am not wrong!