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Two papers of celestinesque interest at the IX Congreso Internacional de la SEMYR (4-6 September 2024, Universidad Complutense)

In three months, the IX Congreso Internacional de la SEMYR will be taking place at the Universidad Complutense (Madrid, Spain). The conference is devoted to the relationship between medieval and early modern (mainly romance) literature and other arts (understood in a quite wide sense, not limited to fine arts).

Recently, the programme has been made public and there are two papers of interest for Celestina scholars.

  • Mercedes Fernández Valladares (UCM), “De la tipobibliografía a la bibliografía textual y la ecdótica iconográfica: entre Celestinas, Amadises y Lazarillos” (Wednesday, 04/09/2024, 19:30-20:30)
  • Irati Calvo Martínez (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea), “Las artes de seducción y engaño de las prostitutas y alcahuetas celestinescas” (Friday, 06/09/2024, 10:30-11:00)

More papers on Celestina: V Congreso Internacional de la SEMYR (24th-26th of September 2014, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Fuenlabrada)

Celestina is poorly represented at this year’s congress of the Sociedad de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas (SEMYR), which is taking place from the 24th to the 26th of September 2014 at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Fuenlabrada). Amaranta Saguar (Universität Trier) will be giving the only paper on a celestinesque topic, entitled “¿Cuestión de moda? La desaparición de la traducción italiana de Celestina del mercado editorial en la segunda mitad del siglo XVI”, on Thursday the 25th, during the fourth session of the congress (09:30-11:00 a.m.).

Recording: Víctor Infantes at the III Congreso Internacional de la SEMYR: “La sombra escrita de los libros. Sobre el estudio de los inventarios de bibliotecas, con el ejemplo de las lecturas y la letra de Fernando de Rojas” (27/09/2010)

A recording of the paper  given by Víctor Infantes at the III Congreso Internacional de la SEMYR “Líneas y pautas en el estudio de la literatura medieval y renacentista” (27th-30th September 2010, Universidad de Oviedo) can be found in the media repository of the Universidad de Oviedo.