In three months, the IX Congreso Internacional de la SEMYR will be taking place at the Universidad Complutense (Madrid, Spain). The conference is devoted to the relationship between medieval and early modern (mainly romance) literature and other arts (understood in a quite wide sense, not limited to fine arts).
Recently, the programme has been made public and there are two papers of interest for Celestina scholars.
- Mercedes Fernández Valladares (UCM), “De la tipobibliografía a la bibliografía textual y la ecdótica iconográfica: entre Celestinas, Amadises y Lazarillos” (Wednesday, 04/09/2024, 19:30-20:30)
- Irati Calvo Martínez (Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea), “Las artes de seducción y engaño de las prostitutas y alcahuetas celestinescas” (Friday, 06/09/2024, 10:30-11:00)