I just found this short 2019 video of Prof. Em. Fanny Rubio (Universidad Complutense) for the Centro Sefarad-Israel talking about Melibea as a modern woman in Celestina, and I wanted to share it with you. Of interest for people working on converso readings of Celestina and feminist readings of Melibea.
Tag: Video
Vanessa Pintado discusses Celestina at the Tertulias de Arte Hispano of the Hispanic Society of America
If you are subscribed to the Celestina mailing list, you are already familiar with this recording of the paper Vanessa Pintado (Hispanic Society Museum & Library Assistant Curator of Manuscripts and Rare Books) read at the Tertulias de Arte Hispano of the Hispanic Society of America. I have to thank Enrique Fernández (once more!) for this information.
Last 1st of September, Vanessa Pintado made this general overview of her work on Celestina and, more precisely, on the unique copy of the Burgos Comedia (in English). There are interesting details on the history of this very rare copy and the problematic status of its last page, with the printer’s device, which ellaborate on previous work by John O’Neill (Curator of Manuscripts and Rare Books at the Hispanic Society of America) and the research of expert book historians.
A preliminary approach to some of the issues highlighted in the presentation can be found in the speaker’s contribution to the edited volume De la piedra al pixel : reflexiones en torno a las edades del libro (México: UNAM, 2016), with the title “El impresor Fadrique de Basilea y los grabados de La Celestina de Burgos de 1499″.
For O’Neill’s work on the history of the Burgos Comedia, please see his “Of Forgeries and French Bibliophiles: A Re-examination of the Printer’s Device Found in the Burgos Edition of Celestina” in Two Spanish Masterpieces. A Celebration of the Life and Work of María Rosa Lida de Malkiel (New York: HSMS, 2013).
Two talks on Celestina by Jesús G. Maestro
Looking for videos of celestinesque interest in Youtube I have found two recordings of Jesús G. Maestro talking about Celestina and its socio-historical and intellectual-cultural backgrounds.
El personaje nihilista en La Celestina: el ateísmo en la literatura del Renacimiento
Libertad humana y prostitución en La Celestina de Fernando de Rojas
Recording: Conference held at the XXI Festival Celestina (23/08/2019)
Recording: José Luis Canet on “¿Existió realmente Fernando de Rojas, autor de La Celestina?” (06/02/2019)
Paper given at the Cicle Escola de Pensament Europeu Lluís Vives (6th of February of 2019):